Laptop Service

Get Your Laptop Up To Speed!

PC and Laptop servicing in the Colchester area!

Is your PC or Laptop running a lot slower than it used to? If so, maybe we can help! Computers get clogged up over time with junk, and sometimes the system’s visual settings can interfere with your overall system performance. At Fantasoft, we’re always happy to try and help out! Just arrange a time and drop your computer off with us, and we’ll see what we can do to get your system running faster for you!

We charge: £20.00 plus whatever you think is fair to look at your computer and tune it up. It’s a relatively simple process, though time consuming.

If there is nothing we can do to speed up your computer, we’ll tell you and you won’t be charged for this service.
If we find any errors or hardware issues that we cannot help fix, we will let you know what we find and recommend a course of action. We mainly service PC computers, however there are a few things we can do to speed up slower Macs.

Contact Us Today!

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