It always astounds me when I see marketing companies paying thousands of pounds into Facebook. They claim to be able to get a great ROI for “Other Companies” yet 1 like on a post (probably from one of their team) for over 50,000 impressions is not great. That is terrible targeting. It’s even worse if they don’t hide the abusive messages they get from other marketers who are able to see through their disguise.
A year later… I have clients. I have returning clients. I have enough businesses contacting me to make me feel happy, and kinda proud of myself. I worked hard for this
But there’s a dark side to doing marketing and doing it well. I see hundreds of companies constantly selling snake oil on Facebook and it makes my blood boil. “Buy our copy pasted marketing guide or subscribe to our fictitious marketing secrets email list for money monthly.” There’s one real rule of life that’s always stuck. Those that do, do, those that can’t do teach. This is very true for most online marketers. Most of them are decent, or simply… OK. If they were really making millions of millions, why would they share it and flood the market with competition. Makes no sense to me. Then again, I only spent about 7 years studying human psychology. Marketers are like predatory animals. Why would they just give out their secrets when the ROI for keeping them would make them much more money!
Some will begin with: “These guys followed this plan and got rich quick. Check out my Lambrini… I mean Lamborghini.” Sorry mate, the Countach will always be more epic than the Aventador. I’d rather drive a Ford Escort… These people generally sell the secrets of yesteryear. They baffle me because they apparently spend all that money on a car, yet my cameras are better than their inaudible webcam. I digress. They sell what worked for them, be it drop shipping, amazon sales, other marketing stuff. Their marketing techniques worked well… For a while. But now they’re getting a fall off, not doing so well. So they share what used to work for them, and marketers snap it up, and do an OK job. The advice is decent… But eventually, all the techniques turn to dust
Some marketers sell products and systems that work. These products and systems are generally similar. They follow the age old marketing guides which are all the same. You could have bought any marketing book ever and devised your own system. Does it use a combination of programs? Does it have massive integration necessity? Avoid it like the plague. The second one of these programs stops working or gets nerfed, you can’t run this system and you could be out a few thousand, not counting the time it takes you and your team to learn this system. You’ve been hosed by the marketer who knew the system was on the way out. I’ve seen it. I’ve experienced it. It annoys me. Oh, and most of these systems are complicated for the customer! I forgot to mention that. Thing is with marketing, the more steps a customer has to follow to sign up for or do anything, the more of a chance you have to lose them each step of the way. Landing pages are old hat, but they’re simple and effective. Just build them into your website, rather than on another domain. Might as well benefit from the traffic…
So where does this leave us?
I believe in simplicity. If you don’t screw around with marketers who charge you for information you can find (for free) on YouTube, (this step costs you money) using their selected programs and affiliate links. (this step costs you money) you will lose less money to begin with. If you run things simply and easily, you will be fine. Facebook has it’s own posting and scheduling system. You can never mess up with that. Keep an eye on your incoming messages. Keep things simple with your marketing and boom. You’ll do well. You won’t make millions on a get rich quick scheme, but you’ll do OK. Keep up to date with new Facebook changes, this will help you sell better than complicated systems.

I’m a social media marketing specialist based in Wivenhoe, the CEO of Fantasoft and wannabe space adventurer.