How Companies Build Diverse Teams

How Companies Build Diverse Teams

Building a diverse team is necessary to avoid discrimination in the workplace. Cultivating diversity in a company is about more than just looking good in front of others. It is about creating a positive work environment in which creativity, different opinions, and...
How VAs Can Streamline Digital Marketing Efforts

How VAs Can Streamline Digital Marketing Efforts

This article is written by Olivia Coughtrie, Director at Oriel Partners PA Recruitment  Virtual assistants, VAs, play an essential role in business. A virtual assistant is a contractor or employee who performs administrative duties to clients while operating outside...
A Quick Guide on Blog Writing

A Quick Guide on Blog Writing

What’s this? A Blog on Blogging!?! Truly this is the Inception of Online Marketing! When writing a Blog, we want to focus on several things. Beyond giving good content, beyond giving an interesting Blog, we have to create one that will be found online and also help...
Chicken Tikka Masala – A Brief Introduction

Chicken Tikka Masala – A Brief Introduction

Chicken Tikka Masala is a delicious and popular dish with multiple stories surrounding its origin, ranging from it being an older Punjabi dish developed somewhere in the 1920s to being created in 1971 by Ali Ahmed Aslam. It’s regarded as one of the most popular...